Fox Coulee to Triple H (Huck’s Landing) through the Tiffany Bottoms

Miles: 4.25
Time: *2-3 hours
Difficulty: easy/moderate
Shuttle time: 10 minutes
Shuttle cost: $29. $5/boat if hauling a personal boat.
Sights: calm quiet backwater channel, secluded in protected backwater forest, songbirds, bald eagles

Stay in the backwaters and go downstream the entire time on this secluded portion of the river delta. Bald eagles, towering silver maples and sounds of songbirds make up just part of this trip.

You will exit soon after you start to hear vehicles on the highway. Instead of going under the bridge, take a right just before you go under the bridge to find your take out point. Check with Broken Paddle Guiding for up to date current, strainers, and any other pertinent information.

*Times are approximate and represent typical outings. Conditions such as weather and current can alter times.


Chippewa River: Ella to Wabasha (moderate/difficult)


Zumbro River Water Trail