Indian Slough to Beef Slough Route (easy/moderate)

Miles: 3
Time: *2-3 hours
Difficulty: Easy/Moderate
Shuttle time: 5 minutes
Shuttle cost: Free with rental. $15 with no rental ($5 fee for hauling a personal boat)
Sights: Eagle nests, big open views, bluff views

Indian Slough to Beef Slough is known for its large expansive views of the Wisconsin bluffs at Big Lake. This trip has numerous opportunities to see bald eagles and their nests, great blue herons fishing in wild rice paddies, and an all around beautiful natural environment. Beginning in late July through August this route paddles through patches of the American Lotus (do not pick but make sure you to dribble water on the hydrophobic lotus pads ;)

The route paddles against current either on the first half or second half depending on which way you do the loop. Starting at Indian Slough is recommended.

*Times are approximate and represent typical outings. Conditions such as weather and current can alter times.


Indian Slough Loop Route (easy/moderate)


Pontoon Slough Keyhole Loop Route (easy/moderate)