Whatever it is, the way you tell your story will make all the difference.
Release of Liability Waiver
Fill this out for each participant for all Group Trips, Tours, and Rentals
In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in a guided tour or rental with Broken Paddle Guiding Company, I, the undersigned acknowledge, agree to release and discharge Broken Paddle Guiding Company as follows:
1. I acknowledge that the risk of injuries from the activities involved in these guides/activities is significant, including the potential for serious injury, permanent paralysis, death, and loss or damage to property from any number of causes, including negligent acts or omissions by me, other guests, or others. I further understand while particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce risk, the risk of serious injury does exist. I further understand that such risks simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the activity.
2. Knowing of the inherent risks of Broken Paddle Guiding Company adventures, I agree to assume all risks and responsibilities surrounding my participation in these activities. To the maximum extent permitted by law, I agree to release, hold harmless, and indemnify Broken Paddle Guiding Company and its officers, directors, staff, representatives, employees, and agents, and all owners of property on which activities take place and parties who provide goods or services in connection with the Broken Paddle Guiding Company activities, from and against all present or future claims, losses or liabilities for injuries to person or property which I may suffer, or for which I may be liable to any other person, related to my participation in Broken Paddle Guiding Company activities resulting from the negligence of Broken Paddle Guiding Company or any other person. I agree that this Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability will apply to claims made by me or on my behalf, or by family members, heirs, or personal representatives, each of which is bound by the terms of this Agreement, and covenant not to sue Broken Paddle Guiding Company.
3. I acknowledge and consent to the use of video recordings and photographs of my participation in promotional activities conducted by Release.
4. I accept full responsibility for the kayak/canoe, life jackets, paddles, wetsuits, and all provided accessories and I understand I will be charged for loss or damage to said gear and equipment.
5. If participants are under 18 years of age, a parent must give permissions and sign the release.
6. I understand, agree, and acknowledge that some activities offered by Broken Paddle Guiding Company may be of a hazardous nature and/or include physical and/or strenuous activity. Understanding this, I state that I have no medical condition or impairment, including the use of medication that might inhibit my active participation in a Broken Paddle Guiding Company guided tour or rental.
7. I hereby release Broken Paddle Guiding Company, its employees/owners, MAP LLC, Richie Mann, Dan Philp, Michael Anderson, Alex Keilty, and Jay Eidsness from all liability, claims, and demands which are related to my participation.